When will they have the video call feature for MAC?
When will they have the video call feature for MAC?
Although this is a nice application to have, kakaotalk should add a lot more features to improve. First of all, I hate that conversations can disappear if you switch phones and that pictures that are sent from others can expire. I lost my phone recently and I lost all the conversations I had with others on my phone. Because this is over the internet, I’m sure you guys can find a way to keep the conversations even when you switch to new phones. Also, why do pictures expire? Because I lost my phone, I wanted to use kakaotalk on mac to download and restore some pictures but ALL of the pictures have expired. I was so upset because I spent so much time trying to scroll through 2 months worth of conversation just to find that they all expired. You guys need to find how to keep the conversations and pictures permanent, and also add a search feature in the conversations as well.
I had recently updated kakaotalk when kakao updated the new call version on mac. But whenever the person accepts my call/or vise versa kakao suddenly freezes and quickly on my mac 10.8.5 does not work. Please fix this issue. It SHOULD work, because it does state it should work with any software from 10.8.0 and up.
All this app needs now is read receipts so groups may know who has seen the messages.
The biggest draw to KakaoTalk for me is the ability to use both the mobile and computer versions. I hate typing on my phone and try to avoid it when I can, but I’m always on my computer and typing is much easier on it, so a messenger app that lets me use the latter is great! But the big downside is that the computer version is missing pretty much all of the neat features the mobile version possesses. Where’s the video chat? Where’s file uploads? I’d be happy if I could just get those two things, let alone any of the other features the desktop version lacks. I don’t understand why we don’t have those features yet - other apps have those features and they work just fine!
Kakaotalk Download failed Use the Purchases page to try again’ I always got this whenever I try to update. Also tried to update after restart, but didn’t work. Please help! Best Regards Leo
I am having difficulty receiving VoiceChat. I’d very much appreciate if you could allow us to pick up a voice call through mac. Thanks
I miss the days when kakaotalk will have free emoticons for their users. I hope they’ll post some one day.
Until recently I got a problem installing on Mac. I asked the KAKAO customer service and received today by email. To put it simply, the problem has been caused by Apple’s certification. so you have to update the latest. I overlooked it. I hope this helps someone having the same issue.
It says it needs to be the lastest version, but when I hit update button it wouldnt do anything :( Im on mac OS X ver 10.9.4 and it has plenty of storage available so I dont know why it wouldnt update katalk.
Just not very well done. The app is great, the mac version is lacking. It does not update properly, it sometimes does not send messages. Auto correct spelling is automatic, and have to switch it off manually everytime I log in, which means preferences is not complete. Attachments, dont even think about it… Just doesnt work. For a company as large and dominant in messaging, this mac app is pretty embarrassing. Do you guys have anyone in house A/B testing? I don’t know how this can even be released….
whenever I’m trying to log in, it says that I cannot connect to server due to bad connection. My internet connection is FINE, and this problem has persisted for days. sigh.
It keeps on saying that I cannot connect due to my internet connection when my internet connection is FINE. I contacted the support team they just can’t do anything that will solve this problem except giving me the link to the app store saying that I should update to latest version even though I said my KAKAOTALK is latest version… Please do something about this KAKAOTALK. 진짜 너무 불편함 컴퓨터카톡못쓰니까 미치겠네요 ㅡㅡ
I had no problem using the old version of Kakao, but all of the sudden, I keep getting a message that I have a problem connecting to the internet. My internet works fine, just like most other comments said, but then what could be a problem? I have tried to delete the installed app, and re-download it… BUT IT DOES NOT WORK. Please fix it asap. I need to have kakaotalk on my laptop. Thanks.
Video chat immediately forces the app to force quit (Macbook Pro Mid-2014, OS X 10.11.5).